PENTECOST 225 Come, Holy Spirit, Come Ps. 51: 10–12 S. M. Boylston Joseph Hart, 1759, cento Lowell Mason, 1832 to ti and bright a Je fy fears beams lead doubts Thy sanc To Then Our Let soul, blood, move, rise; the sus’ re Thine vince vive Ho to us our ly 1 Come, Re 4 ’Tis 3 Con 2 heart, sin, faith, Come! cleanse of droop Spir ing the our it, A the our ing our ate of dy from whole. God. love. eyes. the men. Dis And And To pel d’ring our row in life won in sor breasts to view from pour to fresh our dle the ness er dark And The Of The cies cre new mer nev our each re kin part, veal flame minds, 5 Dwell, therefore, in our hearts; Our minds from bondage free; Then shall we know and praise and love The Father, Son, and Thee.